Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Muchas Gracias
Still, though I won't be there to grub and watch TV with the fam and play with the pups.... I would still like to express my gratitude for all that I am blessed with and while i'm at it, if i'm so inclined I may also gripe about a few things I've yet to receive. just kidding =)
Let's start with the superficial stuff, since that stuff comes easiest. I am thankful for all my teeth and fingers. My family wouldn't have had enough money when I was growing up for braces so I'm lucky and very thankful for having all my teeth in such good condition. I'm pretty accident prone and careless to put it mildly and being a mechanic I'm extremely thankful for still having all my fingers and two eyeballs. My eyes are afflicted with penguecula but all in all, after some near misses I am beyond thankful for my eyes.
I'd also like to thank my shingles ( yes I said shingles) for helping me quit smoking for good. Again being a careless klutz, I definitely am no stranger to pain but my Lord, shingles hurts. It was a mild case but painful enough to make me never want to CAUSE any more illnesses. Notable mention would be that the case wasn't too severe. Shingles often leads to suicide, sufferers trying to escape the pain so if there is anything I should be thankful for, in a year as good as I've had.... that would have to be it.
NOW the good stuff, I had the best birthday ever this year. I for some reason have not been too expressive and open about my birthday. I'd just as soon go the entire day without reminding people of the significance of the day's date, I guess I get that from my dad. This year was a pretty big milestone, I turned 30 and was shocked to see friends put a dinner together for me......sigh. Thanks peeps!
I married this year, and along with weddings comes all the support and usual gatherings. I was surrounded by love and support, I honestly am not accustomed to the attention and frankly all the love and support. Thanks everyone, can't wait to make it up to you all.
A memory had come to me earlier.... one I had completely forgotten. I was asleep at our little apartment in San Mateo. I was asleep and for some reason woke up to see a part of my dresser had just caught fire. Idiodic me had left a candle burning on one of the shelves on my dresser. A dresser I had painted with about 3 coats of black paint. WHAT IN THE WORLD woke me up? I can sleep through my alarm for over an hour, I sleep like a bear... now what woke me up... the fire had just started?!?! It was God for sure, so literally THANKS GOD for saving the apartment.
2008 has flown by but not without definitely making a mark on my life. I'd like to give thanks to my friends and family new and old. Thank goodness for all the new little babies like our new niece Isabelle, Heather's baby due this week and for Morty making another birthday.
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Don't make me get up out this chair, i will.....
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Baby It's Cold Outside
My favorite Xmas songs in no particular order:
Song For Winter's Night ...............Sarah McLaughlin
Green Christmas ....................... BareNaked Ladies
Christmas By The Bay ................. Tim Hockenberry
O Holy Night ................................ Josh Groban
Celebrate Me Home .............Aaron Neville or Kenny Loggins
Hard Candy Christmas ................. Dolly Pardon
Just A Kid ....................... Kenny Chesney
Baby It's Cold Outside ........Bing Crosby ( not the new one at all )
Christmas In San Francisco................. Vic Damone
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Tic Tac sir?
I had a dentist appt. today, my regular cleaning I get every six months. Perfect teeth, no cavities, healthy gums, no problems.
Just like every time, this time was no different, the dental assistant hands me a little bag with a new toothbrush, floss and toothpaste. The thought occurred to me as I noticed the little plastic bag they were all package in. Instead of the usual whitish plastic bag, they had a cute pink plastic bag with a breast cancer awareness ribbon printed on it. Like a "gift bag".
It makes sense that our dentists would give us this little gift bag since we are supposed to change our toothbrush every 6 months. This is my thought. Many of us have an Oral B or Sonicare mechanical toothbrush, or even the Crest SpinBrush.
How wonderful would it be if everyone that received this little bag of goodies gave it to a homeless person. They don't have insurance, they probably don't have a toothbrush. How fortunate are we to be able to afford our own toothbrush... this freebie is a perfect opportunity to give to the less fortunate. If you don't have an electric rechargeable toothbrush, you probably at least like to pick your own particular style and grip. Making this freebie clutter.... It doesn't have to be.
Whenever I see free dog food or whatever at a store... I always grab as many as a i can so I can give it to the homeless people with dogs. I mean jeez if the human is hungry... how much food to you think the poor dog is getting?
I'm sure everyone gives when they can, but I wish every little gift bag the dentist gives away to us can somehow make it to a less fortunate person. Seriously, I usually just stuff it in a drawer to use once on vacation then throw it away. How sad, someone could get better use out of it.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Ear Muffs
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Brunch Party Of One
Saturday, November 1, 2008
The Sounds of Lazy
I can't help it... I cannot stop it... why should I if THEY don't. Why should I stop giving the evil eye when THOSE people don't TRY to lift their feet when they walk.
It's a pet peeve, I just cannot stand it when I hear feet, shoes or slippers sliding on the ground. I think it's so unattractive and just so indicative of laziness. To me, dragging your feet is as much an impediment as a lisp or having a stutter. Only this is worse because it can be helped. It can be avoided.
I was at the grocery store the other day and apparently was totally OVER IT that night because I was looking at everyone like they were smelling like piss. It seemed everyone, whether they were dressed up for the night, dressed down for bed or just in their regular fobby ghetto gear ( wife beater, jogging pants and slippers ). Everyone was walking around sliding their feet like it felt good. I even came across this foot slider with his daughter of about 8-10 years old who was sliding even more than he was. What kind of father would raise his kid with such a bad habit?
Is is just me? With how much we spend on our shoes, isn't it safe to assume we'd all try to not ruin them?
In my opinion it's just disgusting, believe me I've got other pet peeves... for instance I don't like it when people chew with their mouth open. UGH gag me.........
Another? When people shove their car into reverse or drive when the car is still moving in the other direction.... GOD people don't you know what's going on in there? And then there are the people who don't apply their emergency brake!
Seriously... the foot dragging thing is so much more irritating. How nasty is it to look at the bottom of a person's shoe and see just one area of the sole all worn out? Ugh slap your self already! It's laziness, I grew up bow legged, I've got scoliosis but you won't ever catch me dragging my shoes on the ground, i eat like a pig and you won't ever catch me eating with my mouth open and I'm ALWAYS in a dam hurry but you will never catch me switching into drive while my car is still rolling backwards.
PERFECT! I just looked up the meaning of "impediment" and found a definition I totally agree with.
1. Now Rare an impeding or being impeded; obstruction
2. anything that impedes; specif.,
a. a speech defect; stutter, lisp, stammer, etc.
b. anything preventing the making of a legal contract, esp. of a marriage contract
c. R.C.Ch. anything making marriage or ordination invalid or illicit
This is perfect, just what i hoped it would say.... because seriously would you look twice at a guy that's dragging his kicks on the ground as he walks around and say YES I'll definitely sign a marriage contract with you! Didn't think so... it's an impediment that can totally be helped.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Drunk dumb ass 16 year old kills a taxi cab driver
I cannot understand why this fucking idiot was speeding and running red lights on a holiday monday morning. You're drunk, don't drive. If you feel you must drive... drive slow. I would be the first person to slam my kid's face into the pavement if I ever found out he A) drove without a licence B) drank underaged C) ran a red light D) killed some poor guy driving a cab E) crashed my car. This kid did all 5.
After his little Jetta Tboned the cab, it caught fire and he took off running leaving his two passengers trapped in the back seat with multiple fractures and burns. They were pulled to safety by witnesses. He just ran off..... First she shows off how fast he drives..then he shows off how fast he runs.
The following is just random irrational angry pointless thoughts... Read if you want but you've been warned.
Maybe this is why I hope I have a girl. I work with all men i can tell you that a lot of them are assholes. I've played baseball in leagues with ALL guys and I can tell you a lot of them are assholes. At work we watch the news and one report after another it's the same thing.... a man raped this woman, 3 men robbed this building, a man kidnapped this young girl.... it never stops. Everyday, men are making fucked up decisions and ruining peoples retirement funds, men are mugging people on the street, throwing dogs into on coming traffic, ramming cows with fork lift forks... i've seen guys put a cat in a bag and slam it on a tree trunk. I've seen guys shoot a singing little bird out of a tree with a BB gun. WHY?
Are parents not teaching their children how to make wise choices... to stop and think before they act. In the past few years how many deaths have there been at the LA/SF baseball games. That i know of including the death in LA, I believe there have been 3.This part is even more pointless ramble
Around my parent's house all you see are the middle class kids driving their parent's audi or SUVs and they're skirting around and speeding up the street at like 50mph. One even lost control and pulled a hit and run on our Cadillac. What is the point of acting so stupid, why do you need to run reds and skirt out and almost hit a person walking their dog? OMG people are so lucky i'm not a cop. I'd be that cop you all hate... I'd catch everyone that rolls through stop signs, I'd be that "terminator" cop waiting around the bend on Westborough blvd.As you can see there is no structure to this blog or any of my blogs... i just write and write and write. Hopefully you can understand what i'm getting at though.
Monday, October 13, 2008
I got this email and in light of all the crap goin on I thought I'd post this quote.
"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."
Thomas Jefferson 1802
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Who was that?
Thursday, October 9, 2008
I'm falling deeper and deeper in love
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
I was at work last finally doin some work after 2 weeks of taping and painting. We're getting the shop ready for a base inspection ( we do it twice a year it sucks!). Can't tell you why but it seams they ( my supervisors ) think i'm the only one in the shop that knows how to tape up the lines on the ground and repaint the lines on each stall in shop. Scrape the old paint, tape up the lines, paint ( 3 coats ), paint all the bus lifts, paint all brake pit, paint the steam rack! Fuck!
Ok finally yesterday I get to do some real work. I'm hit with the realization..... I fuckin hate my job! I hate the fuckin monotony of fixing the same buses again and again. If my car was this problematic i'd set it on fire!
Ok let me explain a little in case I still have someone's attention. At the base I work at we've got a little over 120 buses. I was given a defect card from the driverof 104 stating that the ABS dash light was on all day on . I look in the file for bus 104 to check the history...that way if another mechanic has worked on the ABS ( anti-lock brack system ) we wouldn't be wasting time doin something another mechanic has already tried. Anyway! I can see that this same bus was in the shop a few days ago for the PA mic being bad, it was replaced. Last week the AC system wouldn't turn on... a fuse was replaced. Just last week the ABS light was on and was already repaired!!! Holy Crap! We fix'em and fix'em and fucking fix'em and they keep fuckin breaking! Those are good buses, they are clean, they run smooth, they've got good tires and good brakes don't worry about that....but My God changing a transmission is one thing, changing the brakes is another but constantly fixing those little things and troubleshooting things that shouldn't break so often is ridiculous. If my car had an ac problem one day and a headlight out the next i'd sell that shit!
That's what we do all day, on swing shift we fix those little problems the driver's write up and i can't believe how often those things go bad. Headlights only last a few months, wipers fall off during service, the passengers are cutting the seats with a knife. On graveyard it's the same shit different story. We do preventative maintenance, where we look inside, outside, under the bus and in the engine for "defects".... after all the work we do on swing shift fixing all the driver's defects... the guys on graveyard will still find like 30 interior defects and 15 exterior defects ie. lights out moulding falling off, wipers bad. Dam! Now swing shift has to fix all that shit.... it's the same shit all day all week all year!
Thanks goodness i'm in school trying to do something better, more lucrative and hopefully more rewarding. It's just a scary thought to know that i'm not even half way through my first semester back and have so long to go. That just tells me how much longer I have to deal with all these buses constantly needing the same little repairs.
I've just got to hang in there and before too long i'll be working 3 12's and complaing about something else entirely i'm sure. The difference..... a lot more money =)
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
USA Daily
Monday, September 29, 2008
whoo hoo life just got better!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
These are the times in our life, when bad things in life are so few
I expected to have quick dinner with "hubby" and his brother for my 30th birthday eve. There are a few reasons I wasn't feeling like goin out that night, I couldn't understand why Charles wouldn't let me just hang at home. I wasn't feeling like I looked my best at all.. did a sloppy job with my make up, gained a bunch of weight and totally wasn't feeling my outfit or the red Judy Garland shoes I came out with. etc... etc...blah blah I digress
Charles had us driving around for about 2 hours (seriously... we left his house at 6) by 8:oopm I was already calling him a retard and a moron but he stayed sweet and calm. Long story short... we walk into Butterfly (a cute restaurant sitting on the water in the Embarcadero area)at about 8:15pm. What do I see? Chris sitting at a table like I expected, so I start to walk towards his table and.............
SURPRISE!! 2 more tables beside him are full our friends there to celebrate my birthday! OMG! My birthday!? Yeah ok a tear or two may have escaped but they we most definitely tears of joy because that was a true and perfect surprise!
Some sneaky people made sure they did their part to set it up for perfection... "aaw I'm so bummed i won't be there for your 30th".... " yeah sure have a BBQ at my house" .... " yeah maybe i'll come out to dinner, call me up". Oh and then, there's Mario. . . . . "i'm working at the Hornblower" as we run into him just as we enter Butterfly. That shoulda tipped me off but he was quite believable I tell you.
I was totally tickled hot pink that night to see so many friends there to spend quite a bit of money for a not so tasty chunk of chicken for me and my birthday. I hope they had a good time because, hearing that "SURPRISE!" and seeing all of them there for me was one of the best feelings i've felt. Thanks everyone that was there and super thanks to all you that put the shin dig together. LUV YA!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
No favors please, I'm fine where I am!
A lot of guys did and I did my best to tell them what was on the test and where I went wrong. I personally didn't want to go thru with it again. However if I did reapply, I would skip the written test and go straight to the hands on test. I knew this and everyone KEPT telling me that. I know!!!! I told them honestly I'm not interested I can't deal with the heartache or the let down again. Such a girl thing to say in such a masculine work environment but WTF I am a girl!!
So everyone in this 2nd round takes their written test, they wait for their responses...some are invited to take the hands on..... NOW here's the point to this long post............. My friend Ric is pulled into the office by one of the graveyard supervisors after our shift. He tells him not to talk about the test too much, ( he means to me ) cause "2 people who took the test in March are complaining they weren't invited to retake the hands on even though they could've applied". I'm working the math and there were only 2 of us that didn't pass. Of course Ric told me right away cause we carpool. I am of course offended that the other guy that failed through such a fit he didn't get "invited" when he should've reapplied.... probably put my name out there too that I should get another chance. Now I look like I want a favor or preferential treatment from the usual process. NO THANKS!
Point is... I told the lady Brenda at HR " no thanks, I understand the hiring and testing process. I had the opportunity to reapply and would have if I were interested. Truth is...I'd love the extra money and the opportunity to move up and prove to everyone that I CAN pass this test. Unfortunately my pride won't let me fail so publicly again AND for that supervisor to say it that way..." 2 people are complaining they weren't INVITED to retake" fuck that!!! I did no such thing and for that will NOT accept such an unprecedented offer at Samtrans. I won't take any favors.... the other guy can go right on ahead. Good Luck to him! I don't envy the route he had to take to get thet position... My pride is too high for all that static and possible let down.
ok..... RANT over!
Why you dirty RAT!!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008
That's money gone... I'm back to low risk!


ok so I know some people are really losing money and suffering substantial loss to their savings and retirement with what's been going on with the financial market and on wall street. Well I too have been hit a little. I'm not big into stocks and funds but my retirement account lost $1100 last week!!! AAAAAHHHH dammit...I woulda pulled the money out and reallocated but I was stuck at Charles' and didn't have the account info or phone numbers.... there you go $1100 gone.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Screwed The Pooch
I haven't celebrated a birthday since I was 18... and the low lives I was hangin with back then didn't even remember it was my birthday when I turned 21 ( =( again ) . Whatev, I know I don't wanna go to a club or lounge. I suppose I can keep myself occupied with some shopping and grubbing.
It's hard to do homework in bed
Starbucks or a cumfy chair at Barnes and Nobles and just have at it! I'm gonna sit with one leg up on the arm of the cumfy chair and just handle it.... I hope, oh geez am I gonna waste my time and money again. If i were my kid i'd take my phone away and tell me NO MORE TV! and go do some squats!!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Hello? Testing 1-2 Testing....
Whether anyone reads it, whether people think i'm interesting or an ignoramous... I'm gonna treat this blog like a composition book for my Psychology 100 and Sociology 100 classes, as a much needed journal and pretty much like a place for me to vent out my sweet, angry, hateful and pointless thoughts.
I don't deny that my views are tainted by elements such as stereotypes and prejudices be it sexist, racist or whatev ( but I'm working on that), hipocacy or self centeredness . I'm back in school and taking 2 classes that can help me sort my thoughts...maybe i'm actually not as ugly inside as I make myself sound ( to the few that are forced to hear me say the thinks I think ).
Sociology...... a class I took right out of high school in 1996... i repeat.... 1996. It's 2008!!! And my Psychology class, I actually passed that one... but it was so long ago i've got to take it again. It'll be fun though, i'm at a time in my life where these 2 classes in particular would be a good start. A good tool to sort through my own thoughts and my own issues. A fun way to break myself into the whole "college student" thing, especially the route i've taken this semester. I'm taking the telecourses, so far so good. I looooove TV and so far, after 1 week. I've DVR'd my classes and find them pretty interesting.
So this is it for the first blog.... hmmm fun? boring? do i like it? dunno... I think I do. It's free so that's good!